
Thursday, January 27, 2005


tag poem ,unedited, topic by Waj464


Waj464: Dreams with  Partitions

DreamsbyDay: imaginary  parameters
DreamsbyDay: the line drawn in the air
DreamsbyDay: you shall not cross
DreamsbyDay: as if you care
DreamsbyDay: .
DreamsbyDay: legendary  insanity
DreamsbyDay: waving about as if I'm
DreamsbyDay: swatting a fly
DreamsbyDay: all the time...
DreamsbyDay: .
DreamsbyDay: Incendiary vision
DreamsbyDay: behold my irritation
DreamsbyDay: at the sight of you
DreamsbyDay: instant cremation....
DreamsbyDay: .
DreamsbyDay: temporary partition
DreamsbyDay: around my soul and  heart
DreamsbyDay: removable upon your death
DreamsbyDay: is that harsh?
DreamsbyDay: .
DreamsbyDay: .
DreamsbyDay: .
DreamsbyDay: end

Sunday, January 16, 2005

Ice Dreams

tag poem, unedited ,topic by unknown,12.30.04


DreamsbyDay: Fragile
DreamsbyDay: like the wisps of your breath on a barely cold day
DreamsbyDay: I struggle to hold to on to the idea
DreamsbyDay: of tomorrows forever within your heart
DreamsbyDay: Hopeless
DreamsbyDay: as the spinnings of a spider accross a revolving door
DreamsbyDay: I dizzy as I spin  searching for a focal point
DreamsbyDay: Freezing
DreamsbyDay: my aching  hands reach out to touch your face
DreamsbyDay: I'm frozen in mid-air beyond you
DreamsbyDay: Dreaming
DreamsbyDay: holds no warmth in constant disappointment
DreamsbyDay: I cannot crack the surface of these  ice dreams
DreamsbyDay: .
DreamsbyDay: .
DreamsbyDay: .
DreamsbyDay: end

Elementary Days

 a tag poem ,edited, topic by unknown

 So many millions and billions of stars
 charting a course through a vast galaxy....
 Wisps in the wind, or specks in the cosmos
 what consequence have we, in this grand scheme?
 In younger days wandering childhood visions
 I searched  my world  to find personal truths-
 considered my being of  great importance-
 a doltish   non manifestable dream.
 On the tiniest level we're a part
 of more than we can ever  understand
 comprehending  in elementary ways
 what  complicated  hearts can hope to glean.
 How far past simple understanding can we learn
 when nothing but the stars can transe the sky?
 Some answers we are given at our birth
 Death must hold other answers unexplained.


Saturday, January 8, 2005


       Tag poem unedited, topic by BeeBoxr 12.19.04

DreamsbyDay: Why come to me and tell me, You're in love?
DreamsbyDay: There's nothing of my temperament you know

DreamsbyDay: you touch a hand as cold as any glove
expecting warmth from nothingness to grow
In every face there is a hint of pain
your smile reveals more than you care to tell
your protests to the contrary in vain
True love means, understanding all too well
DreamsbyDay: the obvious conclusion ,isn't clear

DreamsbyDay: this puzzle lies in century's of games
DreamsbyDay: don't waste my time with sentiments of cheer
we've barely yet acknowledged other's name...
So love arrives again you say, well, think
before you taste more poison, know your drink.