But That Star Is No Longer Wished Upon
(tag poem unedited)
DreamsbyDay: It was the second star to the right
DreamsbyDay: that beckoned and caught our attention
DreamsbyDay: the one of quaint fairy tale origin
DreamsbyDay: too obvious to even mention..
DreamsbyDay: .
DreamsbyDay: It fell like an errant meteor
DreamsbyDay: it seemed like a wayward dream falling
DreamsbyDay: it trailed a sad tail , and forevermore
DreamsbyDay: burned a strange... sight for recalling
DreamsbyDay: .
DreamsbyDay: The star that burns twice as bright , as they say
DreamsbyDay: burns half a s long , and so..I wonder
DreamsbyDay: if this was exhaustion or destiny
DreamsbyDay: how many wishes were plundered..
DreamsbyDay: .
DreamsbyDay: enough with the rhyming and reasonings
DreamsbyDay: No wishes originate there
DreamsbyDay: adults with good sense, don't believe these things
DreamsbyDay: those that do, have the sense, to not share...
.DreamsbyDay: So a star falls to earth , and the mind reels
DreamsbyDay: into fantasy taught in our youth
DreamsbyDay: naivete stands with our age ,it's revealed
DreamsbyDay: we may learn, but we never know..truth...
DreamsbyDay: .
DreamsbyDay: So the fantasy dies in the moonlight
DreamsbyDay: and all of the lost boys are gone..
DreamsbyDay: and I may fall into some hearts wishes..
DreamsbyDay: but that star..is no longer wished upon...