tag poem unedited
oddgreencrescent: topic......"Attitudes Of Grace"
DreamsbyDay: Possibilities and dreams, carry me
DreamsbyDay: through yesterdays that bottomed out .
DreamsbyDay: Mysteries and miracles mixed
DreamsbyDay: promising something wonderful ...someday.
DreamsbyDay: Innuendos and allusions, skirted past me
DreamsbyDay: darting glances into my naivete...oddly
DreamsbyDay: irking me into wishing ..I was older..wiser...
DreamsbyDay: Seasons whisk around me , not as challenges
DreamsbyDay: but acceptances...rustling leaves and snowflakes
DreamsbyDay: bearing equal weight upon my world.
DreamsbyDay: And so the layers rest upon my shoulders in the cold
DreamsbyDay: and slowly peel away as warmth returns....I've learned
DreamsbyDay: There are the things in life you can't control
DreamsbyDay: and attitudes of grace grow with your soul...
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