
Friday, May 20, 2011



The road to hell , it's said, is paved in gold;
in good intentions meant to satisfy
our need to feel we've standards to uphold,
our need to own rewards before we die. . .

If heaven is salvation, then is hell

the sinners destination of appeal?
If goodness for it's sake, is hard to sell-
entitled hypocrites can't know what's real.
. .

True deviation from the path is all

a portrait of the mind that plans the trip.
Insanity is it's own best recall.
Feigned justice is a judges chance to slip.
. .

Who ever makes the judgment stands to burn;

subjective truth is heavens lot to spurn.

©Denise~Marie Fisher/ Dreamsbyday April 2009
This poem was written in an online poetry room, improvisation-ally.
Punctuation has been added.

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