
Monday, November 15, 2004

Soon to See the Reality

Sweet twilight skies and sad goodbyes fly by-
our hearts beat fast, as if the last kiss vanished
in fantasies . In mundane days that follow
details can be twisted into sad recall...
what was the last word that you spoke to me?
How many fingers did we twine together
before the clock struck and our time was done?
How many days til I touch you again?
In scattered fragments pieces of you stay
long after you 've forgotten all the words.
In softest light we hope to find the truth
when we know brilliance brings true clarity.
We try too soon to glimpse reality
before we understand each other well.
A universe it's own, "reality"
has layers best unraveled as we go...
so tell me what I need to know today.
Be truthful , yes, but keep some things inside.
Gradually, we'll learn what we cant hide


©Dreamsbyday  10. 2004

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